Mindfulness Resources

Mindfulness Resources


7 Mindfulness Exercises for Kids and Families

Mindfulness for Kids: When we teach mindfulness to kids, we equip them with tools to build self-esteem, manage stress, and skillfully approach challenges. Explore this guide on how to introduce mindfulness and meditation to your children—at any age.

Mindfulness for Teenagers and Adolescents

9 Mindfulness Exercises and Activities for Teens

10 Mindfulness Activities for Teens Mindfulness for Teens

Printable Breathing Tips 

Mindfulness Tools 

4-7-8 Breathing Exercise 

Breathing tips 

Supporting Children aged 10–12 years’ Emotional Wellbeing Through Mindfulness


Shape Breathing: Mindfulness for Kids and Teens

Mindfulness: Four Breathing Exercises for Kids

Breathing Exercises for Kids with Mindful Yoga Breaks

2 Minutes Mindfulness: Tree Guided Meditation for Children

Breathe With Me - Guided Breathing Meditation for Kids


MindShift: Free mobile app for teens developed by AnxietyBC, with mindfulness and other coping skills for anxiety.

Smiling Mind: Free mobile mindfulness app for young people from Australia.

Headspace: “Meditation made simple.”

Breathr: The app provides opportunities for users to try out a variety of mindfulness practices while also teaching them interesting facts about the brain science behind those practices.