This website contains curricular and other resources for Alberta students, teachers, and parents for use at home and school. If you need reliable help for aspects of the curriculum in any subject, this website has many different online tools to help you learn anything you might need.
The 2Learn website contains a vast wealth of online resources for Alberta students and parents of all ages. These resources have been selected by Alberta teachers and librarians and is supported by Alberta Education, the Alberta Teachers' Association (ATA), the College of Alberta School Superintendents (CASS), the University of Alberta Education Faculty, as well as corporate donors. Some of their latest tools and releases include Truth and Reconciliation selected resources, The Garbage Patch: Pollution in Our Oceans and Not Just June Bugs.
They have resources selected for specific grade levels too,
- Kindergarten: ABC@2Learn.ca
- Grades 1-2: Ready2Learn.ca
- Grades 3-6: Kids Love 2Learn.ca
- Grades 7-9: 2Learn.ca For Teens
- Grades 10-12: Senior High Source
- Parents: 2Learnforparents

This website has incredible information and great resources for students, parents, and teachers.
Most of the site requires login information, which we have made available at your school office for all parents and students to use.
Discovery Education

This is a Canadian resource containing video clips and teacher resources across all grades and subject areas. They have lots of content from partners such as A&E, the History Channel, Reading Rainbow, National Geographic, BBC, The Jim Henson Company, Franklin, Dr. Seuss, Scholastic Audiobooks, Signing Time, and many more.
Most of the site requires log in information, which we have made available at your school office for all parents and students to use.
Learn 360

Alberta Education has licensed resources through Media Smarts to help students, parents, and even teachers become better informed about internet safety and how to be a responsible and informed consumer of digital media.
Most of the site requires login information, which we have made available at your school office for all parents and students to use.

TeachingBooks.net is an easy-to-use website that adds a multimedia dimension to the reading experiences of children's and young adult books. Their online database is developed and maintained to include thousands of resources about fiction and nonfiction books used in K–12 environments, with every resource selected to encourage the integration of multimedia author and book materials into reading and library activities.
Most of the site requires login information, which we have made available at your school office for all parents and students to use.