Freedom Of Information & Protection Of Privacy (FOIPP) Coordinator
Secretary-Treasurer, Peter Wright, currently serves as Westwind School Division's FOIP Coordinator. He can be contacted by email or phone (403) 653-4991 during regular business hours.
Freedom Of Information & Protection Of Privacy (FOIPP) Provisions
The information collected on student registration forms, as part of the school registration process is personal information as referred to in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIPP) Act, which became effective to Alberta School Districts on September 1, 1998. This personal information is collected pursuant to the provisions of the School Act and its regulations, and pursuant to section 32(c) of the FOIP Act as the collection is related directly to and is necessary to a school board's obligation to provide students with an education program that meets their needs and to provide a safe and secure school environment. The FOIP Act requires that parents/guardians be advised of the collection and use of personal information that is not authorized under the School Act. This includes many activities that are part of normal school community interaction and health considerations such as:
- Individual photos that are taken;
- Photos and/or videos of classroom and school activities that are taken and used in the school calendar, school yearbook, or for other purposes within the school, as well as video monitoring used in schools and busses;
- Class and team photos that are taken and used within the school;
- Student name and description of activities that are used in the school newsletter and other school communications;
- Student name, photograph and write-up that are included in school yearbook (if one is produced);
- Student names that are included in an honour roll listing, birthday recognition listing (including announcement on PA system), student achievement awards, and graduation roll, within the school;
- Media photographs or videos of classrooms and school activities, where individual students can not be identified, may be taken and used by the media;
- Student names that are used on artwork, written material, or other items to be displayed in the school;
- The use of student names, related contact information and phone numbers for classroom representatives;
- The use of student names and academic information necessary for determining eligibility or suitability for provincial, federal or other types of awards or scholarships in the event the Board applies on a student's behalf;
- Immunization programs and visual, dental, hearing screening tests by Alberta Health Services;
- Enabling School Councils to communicate with parents;
- Other similar activities within the school.