SAEP Grant Recipient: Mountain View Apiary Program 2022-2023

Project: Apiary Program
Mr. Jeff Hill - Mountain View School
Goal: Continue to build the Apiary program at the Mountain View School by purchasing their own honey extractor.
Description: Apirary program has been running for 5 years, students take part in bee care and honey harvest. They were able to purchase their first honey extractor and will be setting it up in the school barn for next year's extraction. Students love the program, they have a hands-on experience through the entire process and much success with the honey. The extractor will be a huge help. They learned to make all sorts of different goods from extracted honey and wax such as candles and lip balm.
If you are interested in the grant application process or have any questions, please email the address above to get started for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
Alberta Education Agricultural Curriculum Link