SAEP Grant Recipient: CJHS & MES Ag Mechanical Tool Kit

Project: Agriculture Mechanical Tool Kit
Mr. Warren Anderson, Mrs. Carley Taylor, Mrs. Megan Logie
Cardston Junior High & Magrath Elementary
Goal: To teach portions of the Mathematics 5 & 6 curriculum using specific hands-on tools used in the agriculture heavy-duty mechanic industry.
Description: After discussions with Lethbridge College heavy-duty mechanic instructors, common tools were identified that could be used to teach mathematical outcomes in grades 5 and 6. Enough tools were purchased to run stations for the students where they had an opportunity to use them and learn more about them. Students were very engaged in the activities/tasks with the tools. The tasks served pivotal to reviewing, reinforcing, and enriching mathematical outcomes. They increased student awareness and gave them a better understanding of tools used in this field and how they applied to math. The project was a great success and help tremendously in student learning.
If you are interested in the grant application process or have any questions, please email the address above to get started for the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.
Alberta Education Agriculture Curriculum Link