About Early Childhood Services
Early Childhood Services in Westwind refers to programs that meet the developmental learning needs of children ages 3 years 8 months to 6 years.
During a child’s first six years of life, they develop the physical, emotional and social abilities that will set the stage for the rest of their lives. The quality of a child’s earliest environment and exposure to positive experiences at the right stages of development has a strong influence on the course of their life path.
Westwind School Division has adopted a broad definition of quality and developmentally appropriate programming for early learners that aligns current research with best practice in early childhood education. Our Early Learning Programs support children in developmental areas that include: social/emotional skills, intellectual/cognitive skills, physical/motor skills and speech and language skills.
Programming for some children with severe delays can begin as early as 2 years 8 months. Specialized programming offers integrated supports that may include speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, behavioural consultants, psychologists, vision consultants and hearing consultants, depending on the child's identified delays. An Individual Program Plan (IPP) will be developed by a team that includes parents, classroom staff and support professionals.