Administrative Procedure 547: ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS
The Division is committed to fostering procedures, practices and education programs which will protect and preserve the environment.
- The Division will endeavour to purchase “environmentally friendly” products which will provide the highest possible level of performance.
- The Division will endeavor to operate school facilities and equipment in the most energy efficient manner consistent with human needs for safety and comfort.
- The Division encourages all employees to practice energy conservation measures.
- The Operations and Maintenance Supervisor or designate will keep in order a monitoring system of energy utilization.
- The efficient use of energy and water will be guiding principles in all renovations, new construction and operations.
- The Division encourages and supports initiatives to reduce, recycle and recover waste materials in all schools and departments.
- The Division supports staff development initiatives designed to advance environmental awareness, environmental education and care for the environment within annual budget allocations for training and development.
- Environmental education will continue to be incorporated into the content and methodology of the instructional program.
- The Division will continue to promote local habitat conservation and improvement on all Division-owned properties, where possible.
Section 33,52,53,68,196,197,204,222,225 Education Act
Occupational Health and Safety Act
Public Health Act
Approved: August 21, 2018
Last Updated: November 13, 2019