Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 520: SCHOOL FUNDRAISING


The Division supports the use of school-generated funds to supplement the non-instructional operation of the school program. All school-generated funds are assets of the Division. It is the responsibility of the Principal to approve projects and account for the funds raised in harmony with the following procedures.


  1. Funds generated shall be used for projects approved by the Principal. Fundraising has always been used by schools to provide extra services and activities, such as additional playground equipment, field trips and uniforms. Fundraising is used for the extras that parents and staff want for their school.
  2. Fundraising is not to be used for core items.
  3. Fundraising efforts shall never involve any activity that would place the student(s) at risk.
  4. The school council(s) are to be informed of fundraising efforts that impact the community.
  5. Any new fundraising activities require application through the Principal to the Superintendent for approval.


Section 33,52,53,55,68,197,222 256 Education Act

Charitable Fund-Raising Act

Gaming and Liquor Act

Income Tax Act

Public Contributions Act

School Councils Regulation (AR 113/2007)


Approved: October 10, 1995

Amended: December 7, 2010; August 21, 2018


Last Updated: November 13, 2019