Administrative Procedure 491: Appendix: Respect in Sport - Coach/Activity Leader Program
Registration Information:
- Once at the site, the default language is English. Click the link "Français" to convert registration to French.
- Select "Register a New User"
- Complete the displayed registration fields. All fields marked with a red X are mandatory and must be completed.
- For Username and Password, you may select any entries you wish however spaces may not be included in the entries. Respect Group Inc. recommends using your email address for the username as this is always unique to a single individual.
- For the "Association", first select your school, followed by your sport, and if required, your level. Once the selections have been made, you must place a checkmark in the box labelled "Confirm your intent to associate with..."
- Please note, you may only make one association selection during registration. Once inside the system, click on the button "Profile" to modify your profile and add further associations.
- Once registration is complete, select Submit at the bottom of the page. With successful registration, you will be taken directly into the program.
- Select the appropriate language button to access the program instructions and content.
- Return to the website address above (same address as for registration).
- Enter your username and password in the selection boxes indicated.
- Select "Login"
- For Username/Password assistance, click on Forgot Username? or Forgot Password? on the login page.
General Information:
- Respect in Sport makes use of Pop-Up windows within the program. Please ensure Pop-Up blockers are turned off or, when prompted, set to allow pop-ups from the identified web address.
- Once in the program, select Help if technical assistance is required. The Help files provide easy tools to provide assistance.
- Note: Due to a recent update by Safari, the Respect in Sport program is currently experiencing challenges with the Safari browser. If you experience difficulties with Safari, please select an alternate browser.
Section 18, 20, 27, 45, 45.1, 60, 61, 113 School Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Physical Education Safety Guidelines of Alberta
Approved: August 21, 2018
Last Updated: July 2, 2019