Administrative Procedure 315: STUDENT ACCIDENT OR ILLNESS
The Division recognizes that school staff have a responsibility to supervise and care for students while at school in a reasonable and prudent manner. Should illness or injury occur to any student, it is expected the staff member(s) will act in a manner reflecting the actions of a caring parent subject to the following procedures.
- The Principal shall assume the overall responsibility for the care of ill or injured student(s), and only in the case of emergencies shall action be taken without the Principal’s awareness.
- Parent(s) of student(s), except independent student(s), shall be notified as soon as possible of all illness/injuries affecting their student(s).
- The Principal shall be responsible for keeping a student record that may be accessed in case of injury or illness which shall include, but not be limited to:
- Student name, home phone, address, parent(s) name;
- Contact phone (home and work);
- Medical information/conditions recorded in PowerSchool.
- The Principal shall conduct a periodic audit of the school areas, with special attention given to areas of potential hazard, such as:
- Playgrounds;
- Gymnasiums;
- Industrial arts labs;
- Science rooms.
- For a student who is ill at school, the Principal shall assure that:
- The parent(s) is contacted as soon as possible.
- Arrangements are made to have the parent(s) pick up the student or mutually agree on some appropriate action.
- The student is assigned to a supervised infirmary at school.
- If extreme, the family preferred doctor is contacted.
- The bus driver has been informed if going home after school.
- For a student who is injured at school:
- The supervisor shall take any first aid action that an emergency situation may require. If in doubt, the supervisor will not move the student and will call for assistance immediately.
- The Principal shall, depending upon the emergency nature of the situation, assure that contact is made with:
- The student(s), parent(s), excepting independent student(s).
- A doctor, family preferred if possible.
- An ambulance service if required.
- No staff member is to prescribe or sign for medical treatment.
- The supervisor shall complete a Student Incident Report form (Form 315-1) and submit it to the Principal who in turn shall file it at the school.
SSection 11,33,52,53,196,197,222 Education Act
Emergency Medical Aid Act
Approved: June 11, 1996
Amended: March 1, 1999; April 15, 1999; August 21, 2018
Last Updated: October 28, 2019