Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 313: STUDENT IMMUNIZATION


In order to protect the health of the school population and to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases, the Division encourages students entering school to have immunizations against certain communicable diseases.


  1. Any child seeking admission to a division school must provide evidence from a licensed physician or an authorized health clinic (within forty-five (45) days of the first day of attendance) of immunization against the following communicable diseases as recommended by Alberta Health Services:
    1. Diphtheria;
    2. Pertussis (Whooping Cough);
    3. Tetanus;
    4. Poliomyelitis;
    5. Measles;
    6. Rubella;
    7. Meningococcal Conjugate;
    8. Mumps;
    9. Hepatitis B;
    10. Varicella Zoster or history of chicken pox disease.
  2. Principals will cooperate with the local health authority in providing student enrollment data to assist in establishing an immunization schedule for the school.
  3. A child admitted to specified grades may remain in school without the required certification if a physician’s written certification indicates that immunization would be detrimental to the child’s health, or if the parent states in writing that they have moral convictions or religious beliefs opposed to immunization.
  4. Children without related immunizations may be excluded from school for the duration of a community outbreak of a communicable disease, at the discretion of the Medical Health Officer.


Section 11,32,33,52,53,196,197,222 Education Act

Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act

Public Health Act

AMA School Safety Patrol Handbook


Approved: August 21, 2018


Last Updated: August 4, 2021