Student participation in Career and Technology Foundations/Studies (CTF/CTS) is a valuable learning experience for students in grades 5 to 12.
Fees for specific CTF/CTS courses may be determined by the Principal, in consultation with the Assistant Superintendent, Learning Services.
- Grade 5 to 9 CTF
- The CTF program will be offered to grades 5 to 9 students in their neighbourhood school.
- The CTF program offered at the grades 5 to 9 level is to be designed by combining components of courses within and across strands (e.g. career clusters) to enable students to explore a wide range of career options.
- Senior High CTS
- CTS courses offered at the senior high level are to be designed to provide students the opportunity to investigate potential career choices from introductory courses to advanced courses in a career pathway of their choice, based on course availability and access.
- Students may elect to take a course in any year, depending on the availability of staff, facilities, and student places, recognizing that not all courses may be offered at all levels.
- CTF/CTS courses will be offered to students in grades 5 to 12 with due consideration of:
- The abilities and interests of the students,
- The expertise of the staff,
- Financial, material and physical resources within the school, and
- Student enrolments.
Section 18, 22, 52, 53, 196, 197, 222 Education Act
Student Record Regulation 225/2008
Guide to Education: ECS to Grade 12
Off-Campus Education Guide for Administrators, Counsellors and Teachers
Approved: August 21, 2018
Last Updated: July 29, 2021