Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 165: Appendix C: Threat/Risk Assessment and Intervention Protocol

The Superintendent and/or Assistant Superintendent of Student Services will be notified as soon as possible, and will be kept informed/consulted with at every possible stage of Assessment/Intervention.

Threat Received

Students/Staff Become Aware of Threat (See Note 1) Principal Notified (See Note 2)

Principal Notified of Threat

The Principal Coordinates/Activates the Threat/Risk Assessment Team, along with the process of assessment (See Note 3)

Threat/Risk Assessment Team

Principal, FSLC, Guidance Counselor, RCMP, Child Welfare, Mental Health, Physicians, Psychiatrists, Any other Professionals required.

Possible Decisions/Actions

Matter referred to Child Welfare, Police, Mental Health, Etc.

Matter referred for School-Based Action (Counseling, Academic Assessment/Interventions, etc.)

Continued Monitoring and Scheduled Review of Situation

All Decisions will be made on a collaborative team basis (See Note 4)


  1. The Criminal Code of Canada (264.1) indicates that “… uttering, conveying, or causing any person to receive a threat…to cause death or bodily harm to any person…(or) to burn, destroy, or damage real or personal property…” is an offence. In this respect, an assault (265.1) is committed when a person “…attempts or threatens, by an act or a gesture, to apply force to another person, if he/she has, or causes that other person to believe on reasonable grounds that he/she has, present ability to affect his/her purpose…”
  2. It is the duty of any student or staff member who becomes aware of a threat against the Division students, staff, or property to notify the Principal.
  3. A Threat/Risk Assessment Team shall be called together by the Principal when a threat has been received and/or directed towards student(s), staff, or property of the Division. The Principal will remain as the coordinator of this team. Each member will be responsible for gathering information, and making initial assessments and recommendations based on the information that they obtain.
  4. Decisions/Actions will be made collaboratively only after all parties have gathered information pertinent to their field, made initial assessments, and have reported these back to the team.
  5. The Threat Assessment Team will adhere to the Terms of Reference (Appendix B).
  6. The preferred context for resolution is the point closest to the activating site, wherever or whenever possible.
  7. Nothing in this protocol is to be seen as preventing individuals from acting on the authority and responsibility incumbent in their role relative to the safety and security of Division students, staff, and property.


Section 11, 33, 52, 53, 62, 196, 197, 222 Education Act

Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act

Emergency Medical Aid Act

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Public Health Act

Criminal Code (Canada)

Mental Health Regulations


Approved: June 10, 2004

Amended: June 22, 2005; August 21, 2018


Last Updated: July 12, 2021