Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 158: DIVISION VISUAL IDENTITY


The Division’s official visual identity program (corporate brand) is one of the first points of contact that the public has with Westwind School Division. The organization’s visual identity tells a lot about who we are as an organization and plays a key part in defining our Division to our publics. The visual identity program also establishes the ‘look and feel’ of who we are and what we represent. The Division’s corporate logo is an integral part of our visual identity program and aligns closely with the vision, mission, principles and beliefs in telling our story to broad public audiences.

A key measure in defining the success of the Division’s corporate branding is the extent to which we are able to achieve consistency across all communications and marketing platforms. Consistent execution of the Division’s visual identity (including logo) will be necessary in all forms of print and digital communications, social media, web-based communication, corporate advertising, and building/vehicle signage.


  1. All representations of the Division’s official visual identity/corporate brand in any internal or external communications resource must follow the Division’s approved Visual Identity guidelines.

  2. The Communications Officer is responsible for ensuring the Division’s Visual Identity guidelines are followed by the Division Office, Division schools and external third-party stakeholders.

  3. The Logo is to be used for stationary, forms, display, lapel pins, etc. to promote visual identity of the Division.

  4. Metal pins will be provided in reasonable quantities to trustees and executive staff for promotion of the Division, recognition of guests, etc. Distribution of pins shall be under the direction and discretion of the Communications Coordinator.

  5. Various types of clothing or other items may be acquired by the Division in order to promote its image. These items may be provided as gifts or may be available for resale.


Section 52, 53, 197, 222, 256 Education Act

Westwind School Division Brand Style Guide


Approved: August 21, 2018

Last Updated: July 12, 2021