Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

Administrative Procedure 151: MEDIA RELATIONS


The Superintendent has been given the responsibility to ensure positive external and internal communications are developed and maintained. The news media are an important vehicle through which the Division keeps the electorate accurately informed and increases public awareness of education. Notwithstanding this, the Division has an obligation to protect its students and staff from unwelcome intrusions into the operation of its schools.


  1. Information releases, which accurately communicate the Board’s business to the public, may only be issued by persons authorized by the Board as per Policy 5 – Role of the Board Chair.

  2. The Superintendent shall approve all information released to the media from Division Office.
    1. All requests from the media shall be directed to the Communications Officer.

  3. The Principal shall approve all information released to the media from schools.
    1. The Principal shall obtain approval from the Superintendent prior to releasing information that might reasonably be classified as “sensitive”.

  4. Representatives of the media may be permitted into the schools for legitimate reporting and promotional purposes. This is at the discretion of the Principal. Particular care must be exercised in protecting the rights of students when media are present.
    1. Appropriate Division and school release forms are to be completed.

  5. Media representatives shall not be allowed to disrupt the normal operation of a school or a class for the sole purpose of information gathering. This includes the interviewing of Division employees and/or students during regular class times.
    1. Media representatives may be asked by the Principal or Division staff to leave the premises or grounds where it is deemed to be in the best interests of the students and staff to do so.

  6. In the event of emergency or crisis interactions, the Superintendent shall determine what information shall be given to the media, and by whom.


Section 52, 53, 68, 196, 197, 204, 222, 225, 256 Education Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act


Approved: August 21, 2018

Last Reviewed: July 2021

Last Updated: July 12, 2021