Board Policies & Administrative Procedures


The Board’s ability to discharge its obligations in an efficient and effective manner is dependent upon the development and implementation of a sound organization design. In order to discharge its responsibilities to the electorate of the Division, the Board shall hold meetings as often as necessary. A quorum, which is a simple majority of the number of trustees, must be present for every duly constituted meeting. The Board has adopted policies so the business of the Board can be conducted in an orderly and efficient manner.

The Board’s fundamental obligation is to preserve, if not enhance, the public trust in education, generally, and in the affairs of its operations in particular. Consistent with its objective to encourage the general public to contribute to the educational process, Board meetings will be open to the public. Towards this end, the Board believes its affairs must be conducted in public to the greatest extent possible.

There are times when public interest is best served by private discussion of specific issues in “in-camera” sessions. The Board believes it is necessary to protect individual privacy and the Board’s own position in negotiating either collective agreements or contracts and therefore expects to go in-camera for issues dealing with individual students, individual employees, land, labour, litigation or negotiation.

Presentations at Board meetings by members of the public, students and staff can enhance public interest.

Public forums dealing with specific educational topics and held in various communities within the Division can enhance communications and the effectiveness of the Board.

  1. Elections/Appointment
    1. Wards
      Within the stipulations of Ministerial Order 92/94 and 93/94 dated August 10, 1994, and subsequent Ministerial Orders 022/98 and 73/2003, the Board has decided to provide for the nomination and election of trustees within the Division by wards. Copies of the Ministerial Orders are available from the Division Office.
      1. Six (6) wards have been established within Westwind School Division.
      2. Two (2) trustees are to be elected in wards 2 and 5; one (1) trustee is to be elected in each of the other four (4) wards.
    2. Wards may be revised from time to time as determined by the Board.
      1. The Board must pass any desired revision, by bylaw, by December 31 of the year prior to the year in which a general election is to be held in order to have the revision in effect following that general election.
      2. In the determination of revised ward boundaries the Board must take into consideration representation by population, trading areas, school attendance areas and growth/depopulation forecasts.
        1. In balancing representation by population, the unwritten representation rule that can be used is +/- 25% of the average ward population.
      3. Further, in the determination of revised ward boundaries, the Board must utilize a community engagement process.
    3. The provisions of the Local Authorities Election Act respecting the election of trustees shall apply to every election in each ward.
    4. One (1) trustee is appointed to the Board by the Blood Band Chief and Council as per the addendum to the Tripartite Tuition Agreement dated July 22, 1988.
    5. By-elections may be held as determined by the Board.
      1. During the three (3) year period immediately following a general election, a by-election need not be held if there is only one (1) vacancy on the Board and during the fourth year following a general election, a by-election need not be held unless the number of vacancies on the Board reduces the Board to a number that is less than the quorum of the Board plus one (1).

  2. Organizational Meeting
    1. An Organizational Meeting of the Board shall be held annually, and no later than four (4) weeks following election day, when there has been a general election. The first official meeting of the Board following a general election shall be an Organizational Meeting.
    2. The Secretary of the Board will give notice of the Organizational Meeting to each trustee as if it were a special meeting. The Superintendent shall call the meeting to order and act as Chair of the meeting for the purpose of the election of the Board Chair.
      1. The Superintendent shall call for nominations for Board Chair three (3) times.
      2. A vote, if necessary, will be conducted by secret ballot, with each trustee having one (1) vote
      3. The Superintendent and  Secretary-Treasurer shall count votes when a vote is held.
      4. Candidates for the position of Chair shall be present for the counting of ballots. 
      5. If a tie occurs, a second vote will be called.
      6. If there are more than two (2) candidates, the second vote will be for the two (2) candidates receiving the most votes.
    3. Each trustee will take the oath of office immediately following the call to order of the Organizational Meeting after a general election. Special provisions will be made for a trustee taking office following a by-election.
    4. Upon election as Chair, the Board Chair shall take the oath of office and preside over the remainder of the Organizational Meeting. The Board Chair shall normally be elected for a period of one (1) year.
    5. The Board, at the Organizational Meeting shall, in addition:
      1. Elect a Vice-Chair, in the process as outlined above for the Chair;
      2. Establish a schedule (date, time, place) for regular meetings and any additional required meetings for the ensuing year, not including the date of the Organizational Meeting subsequent to an election.
      3. Create such standing or ad hoc committees of the Board, as deemed appropriate, and appoint members;
      4. Appoint Board representation on the various Boards or committees of organizations or agencies where the Board has regular representation, as appropriate;
      5. Review trustee conflict of interest stipulations and determine any disclosure of information requirements; and
      6. Address other organizational items as required.

  3. Regular Meetings
    Regular Board meeting dates and times shall be as established at the Organizational Meeting each year.
    1. All meetings will ordinarily be held in the Division Office in Cardston on a monthly basis, excepting in July.
    2. Notwithstanding the schedule established at the Organizational Meeting, the Board may, by resolution, alter the schedule in such manner as it deems appropriate.
    3. All trustees shall notify the Board Chair if they are unable to attend a Board meeting.
    4. All trustees who are absent from three (3) consecutive regular meetings shall:
      1. Obtain authorization by resolution of the Board to do so; or
      2. Provide to the Board Chair evidence of illness in the form of a medical certificate respecting the period of absence.
        Failure to attend may result in disqualification.
    5. If both the Board Chair or Vice-Chair through illness or other cause are unable to perform the duties of the office or are absent, the Superintendent shall call the meeting to order when quorum is present and the Board shall appoint from among its members an acting Board Chair, who on being so appointed has all the powers and shall perform all the duties of the Board Chair during the Board Chair’s and Vice-Chair’s inability to act or absence.
    6. Regular meetings of the Board will not be held without the Superintendent and/or designate(s) in attendance, unless the Superintendent’s contract is being discussed.
    7. In the event that a quorum is not present in half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting of the Board, or within half an hour of the time appointed for the meeting to reconvene after a recess, the Superintendent or designate shall record those present and the Board shall stand adjourned until the next regular meeting, unless a special meeting is duly called in the meantime.

  4. Special Meetings
    1. Occasionally, unanticipated or emergent issues require immediate Board attention and/or action.
    2. Special meetings of the Board will only be called when the Board Chair, the majority of trustees, or the Minister is of the opinion that an issue must be dealt with before the next regular Board meeting.
    3. A written notice of the special meeting including date, time, place and nature of business shall be issued to all trustees by registered mail or email (at least three (3) days prior to the date of the meeting) or in person (at least two (2) days prior to the date of the meeting) unless every trustee agrees to waive in writing the requirements for notice.  Phone calls will be made if other communication cannot be verified.
    4. The nature of the business to be transacted must be clearly specified in the notice of the meeting. Unless all trustees are present at the special meeting, no other business may be transacted. Items can be added to the agenda only by the consent of three-quarters of the Board
    5. Special meetings of the Board shall be open to the public recognizing that specific agenda matters may be held in-camera.
    6. Special meetings of the Board will not be held without the Superintendent and/or designate(s) in attendance, unless the Superintendent’s contract is being discussed.
    7. The Board will hold special meetings provided that petitions are received signed by at least forty (40) electors who indicate they will attend a meeting. A special meeting must be held within thirty (30) days of the receipt of this petition submitted to the Superintendent or designate, at a location to be determined by the Board. An acceptable alternative to a petition is the receipt of at least forty (40) individually signed letters from electors indicating the same information required of the petition described above.

  5. Meetings by Electronic Means
    1. It is the preference of the Board to meet at a common location to conduct Division business with trustees and the Superintendent or designate in physical attendance.
    2. Notwithstanding 5.1, a Board member may participate in a meeting by electronic means where weather conditions or specific needs require.
    3. Trustees and the Superintendent or designate participating in a meeting held by means of a communication facility are deemed to be present at the meeting, provided the trustee or Superintendent or designate are physically present within the boundaries of the Division.
    4. The Superintendent or designate will be responsible for the organization of the electronic communications with participants. A trustee may participate from a location to which the public does not have access.
    5. A trustee must ensure the means and location used to participate in the meeting will allow moving in-camera, and will meet all requirements of an in-camera session.
    6. Through a Board motion, at least one (1) month in advance, trustees may determine that a future meeting will be exempt from electronic communication.

  6. In-Camera Sessions
    1. The Board may, by resolution, schedule an in-camera session at a time or place agreeable to the Board or recess a meeting in progress for the purpose of meeting in-camera.
      1. An in-camera session will generally be scheduled at the end of the meeting agenda, but the Board reserves the right to go in-camera at any time during the meeting by motion.
      2. Such resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board and shall specify those individuals eligible to attend in addition to trustees and the Superintendent.
    2. The in-camera session shall be limited to discussion pertaining to the following stated reasons:
      1. Individual students;
      2. Individual employees;
      3. Collective bargaining issues;
      4. Litigation issues;
      5. Acquisition/disposal of property; and
      6. Other topics that a majority of the trustees present feel must be held in private, in the public interest.
    3. Such sessions shall be closed to the public and press.
      1. The Board shall only discuss the matter which gave rise to the in-camera session.
      2. Board members and other persons attending shall maintain confidentiality and not disclose the substance of the in-camera discussions.
    4. The Board shall, during the in-camera session, adopt only such resolution as is required to re-convene the Board in an open, public meeting.

  7. Agenda for Regular Meetings
    The Superintendent is responsible for preparing an agenda for Board meetings in consultation with the Board Chair.
    1. The order of business at a regular meeting shall generally be as follows:
      1. Call to Order
      2. Prayer
      3. Approval of Agenda
      4. Opportunity for Public Consultation
      5. Approval of Minutes
      6. Action List Review
      7. Delegations (if scheduled)
      8. Reports to the Board
      9. Standing Committee Reports
      10. Discussion Items
      11. Information Items
      12. In-Camera
      13. Opportunity for Public Consultation
      14. Adjournment

        Items scheduled for a specific time shall be clearly identified on the agenda.
        Items on the agenda shall generally be arranged in an order that will provide efficiency in the consideration of issues.

    2. The agenda package for trustees will be supported by copies of letters, reports, and other materials as are pertinent to the business that will come before the Board and will be of value to the Board in the performance of its duties. A recommendation on action items may be included at the Superintendent’s discretion.
    3. Items may be placed on the agenda in one (1) of the following ways:
      1. By notifying the Board Chair or Superintendent at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the Board meeting.
      2. By notice of motion at the previous meeting of the Board.
      3. As a request from a Committee of the Board.
      4. Issues that require Board action may arise after the agenda has been prepared. The Board Chair, at the beginning of the meeting, shall ask for additions to and/or deletions from the agenda prior to agenda approval. Changes to the agenda to accommodate truly emergent items may be made with the approval of the majority of those present.
    4. The agenda package, containing the agenda and supporting information, will be provided to each trustee three (3) calendar days prior to the Board meeting. Subsequently, information may be provided at the meeting; and further, the Superintendent shall advise the Board Chair regarding the emergent nature of such information.
    5. The Board will follow the order of business set by the agenda unless the order is altered or new items are added by agreement of the Board.
    6. During the course of the Board meeting, the trustees present with unanimous consent may amend the agenda and place items before the Board for discussion. The Board may take action on such items.
    7. The list of agenda items shall be posted on the Division website for a minimum of one (1) year and be available in the Division Office. Any elector may inspect the agenda and request a copy.

  8. Minutes for Regular or Special Meetings
    The Board shall maintain and preserve by means of minutes a record of its proceedings and resolutions.
    1. The minutes shall record:
      1. Date, time and place of meeting;
      2. Type of meeting;
      3. Name of presiding officer;
      4. Names of those trustees and senior administration in attendance;
      5. Approval of preceding minutes;
      6. All resolutions, including the Board’s disposition of the same, placed before the Board, are to be entered in full;
      7. Names of persons making the motions;
      8. A brief description of the matter being debated before the Board;
      9. Points of order and appeals;
      10. Appointments;
      11. Receipt of reports of committees;
      12. Recording of the vote on all motions;
      13. Trustee declaration of conflict of interest pursuant to the Education Act;
      14. Departure and re-entry times of trustees and administration; and
      15. The time of adjournment.
    2. The minutes shall:
      1. Be prepared as directed by the Superintendent;
      2. Be reviewed by the Superintendent prior to submission to the Board;
      3. Be considered an unofficial record of proceedings until such time as adopted by a resolution of the Board; and
      4. Upon adoption by the Board, be deemed to be the official and sole record of the Board’s business.
    3. The Superintendent or designate shall ensure, upon acceptance by the Board, that appropriate signatures are affixed to the last page of the minutes.
    4. The Superintendent or designate will establish and maintain a file of all Board minutes.
    5. As part of its ongoing effort to keep staff and the public fully informed concerning its affairs and actions, the Board expects the Superintendent to provide Board Highlights to the public about decisions made at all Board meetings.
    6. The approved minutes of a regular or special meeting shall be posted to the Division website as soon as possible following approval. The Superintendent or designate is responsible to distribute and post the approved minutes.

  9. Recordings of Board Meetings
    1. The Superintendent will ensure that all Board Meetings will be recorded and placed on the Division website in a timely manner.
      1. Recordings may be edited by the Superintendent or designate in concert with FOIPP legislation.
      2. Recordings are available on a three-month basis at which point they will be archived and available to members of the public upon request.

  10. Motions
    Motions do not require a seconder, except in rare instances as described below.
    1. Notice of Motion
      1. The trustee will need not be present during the reading of the motion, however if the trustee is not present, a seconder is required at the meeting at which the notice is given, otherwise the item will be dropped.
      2. The notice of motion serves the purpose of officially putting an item on the agenda of the next or future regular meeting and gives notice to all trustees of the item to be discussed. A notice of motion is not debatable and may not be voted on.
      3. A trustee may present a notice of motion for consideration at the next regular meeting of the Board or may specify another meeting date.
        1. A trustee may also provide the Board Chair with a written notice of motion and ask that it be placed on the agenda of the next regular meeting and read at the meeting.
    2. Discussion on Motions
      1. The custom of addressing comments to the Board Chair is to be followed by all persons in attendance.
      2. A Board motion or a recommendation from administration must generally be placed before the Board prior to any discussion taking place on an issue.
      3. Once a motion is before the Board and until it is passed or defeated, all speakers shall confine their remarks to the motion or to the information pertinent to the motion. Motions may be submitted by any trustee, including the Board Chair.
    3. Speaking to the Motion
      1. The mover of a motion first and every trustee shall have an opportunity to speak to the motion.
      2. The Board Chair will normally speak just prior to the last speaker who will be the mover of the motion.
      3. The mover of the motion is permitted to close debate on the motion.
      4. As a general guide, a trustee is not to speak longer than five (5) minutes on any motion. The Board Chair has the responsibility to limit the discussion by a trustee when such a discussion is repetitive or digresses from the topic at hand, or where discussion takes place prior to the acceptance of a motion.
      5. No one shall interrupt a speaker, unless it is to ask for important clarification of the speaker’s remarks, and any such interruption shall not be permitted without permission of the Board Chair.
      6. When a trustee arrives at the meeting after a motion has been made and prior to taking a vote, the trustee may request further discussion prior to the vote. The Board Chair shall rule on further discussion.
    4. Reading of the Motion
      1. A trustee may require the motion under discussion to be read at any time during the debate, except when a trustee is speaking.
    5. Recorded Vote
      1. All Board motions must be recorded votes.
    6. Required Votes
      1. The Board Chair, and all trustees present, unless excused by resolution of the Board or by the provisions of the Education Act, shall vote on each question.
      2. Each question shall be decided by a majority of the votes of those trustees present.
      3. A simple majority of a quorum of the Board will decide in favour of the question. In the case of an equality of votes, the question is defeated.
      4. A vote on a question shall be taken by open vote, expressed by show of hands, or by a verbal indication of “aye” for the affirmative, or “nay” for the negative, except the vote to elect the Board Chair or Vice-Chair, which is by secret ballot, unless there is unanimous agreement among the trustees to use a show of hands.
    7. Debate
      1. In all debate, any matter of procedure in dispute shall be settled, if possible, by reference to Bourinot Rules of Order. If this reference is inadequate, procedure may be determined by motion supported by the majority of trustees in attendance.

  11. Delegations
    The Board believes that it has the responsibility to encourage members of the public to bring concerns relating to educational matters to regular meetings of the Board. The Board also believes it has a responsibility to conduct regular public meetings of the Board in an orderly and efficient fashion. The Board will receive representations and delegations on any subject pertinent to Board business provided the item has been placed on the agenda.
    1. The Board welcomes delegations according to the following procedures:
      1. Delegations will normally be scheduled at the beginning of Board meetings. However, requests by delegations for specific times will be accommodated where feasible.
      2. All delegations must provide a written submission stating the nature and purpose of their presentation seven (7) days in advance of the meeting for inclusion in agenda packages. Late submissions may be added at the discretion of the Board Chair.
      3. The Superintendent shall encourage potential delegations to meet with administration to clarify issues before delegations come to the Board.
      4. Delegations shall identify a spokesperson for all group appointments.
    2. Normally, and with the exception of items raised pursuant to section 4 of this policy, the following procedures will govern the conduct of the delegation:
      1. The Board Chair shall outline the process.
      2. The delegation shall, during its meeting with the Board, observe the rules of parliamentary decorum.
      3. The delegation will be advised that Board Meetings are recorded and therefore presentations must follow legislative requirements such as FOIPP.
      4. The spokesperson will be asked to present the position/request. Speakers may offer objective criticism of school operations and programs or make requests of the Board. The Board will not hear complaints against Division staff or contractors. The Board Chair may terminate the remarks of any individual who does not adhere to the above guidelines.
      5. The delegation spokesperson shall be entitled to complete his/her presentation, within fifteen (15) minutes without questioning or comments from the Board.
      6. During a presentation by a delegation, trustees shall not express opinions. Upon completion of the presentation the Board Chair shall allow, for a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes, trustee questions of clarification of the delegation.
      7. Upon completion of the question period the Board Chair shall inform the delegation when the decision will be made. When a decision has been reached it will be communicated in writing to the spokesperson. Normally, the Board will defer action on items of business that are presented by a delegation, postponing any discussion and action to that section of the agenda specified for that purpose.

  12. Audio/Video Recording Devices
    1. The Board expects that anyone wanting to use recording devices at a public Board meeting shall advise the Board Chair prior to the meeting.

  13. Trustee Remuneration
    1. The schedule of remuneration/reimbursement shall cover expenses incurred through travel, lodging and meals as per a rate established by the Board and reviewed periodically.
    2. Reimbursement shall be provided for other incidental expenses that are incurred on approved Board business.
    3. A per diem honorarium shall be established to reflect the time required to be away from regular work or responsibilities when involved with approved Board business.
    4. The Board shall by resolution establish an annual honorarium for the Board Chair in recognition of the extra time and commitment which the position demands.
    5. All rates shall be established at a level such that no trustee shall be prevented from carrying out the required work due to personal expense.
    6. Exceptions to these rates may be made for special workshops or other functions as approved by the Board from time to time.
    7. Expenses incurred or conventions attended in the United States or other foreign country shall be reimbursed in an amount equivalent to that country's currency.
    8. The Board shall periodically review the schedule of remuneration/reimbursement to be sure it reflects current economic conditions.
    9. The trustee shall be responsible for keeping track of the time and expenses incurred in fulfilling the Board assignments and shall submit said claims on the approved form at the regular meeting of the Board each month.
    10. Should the Board modify or reduce expenditures for a specific workshop or meeting, approval must be obtained by Board motion and a majority vote.
    11. Trustee Conventions and Professional Development
      1. Every trustee is encouraged to attend the following at Board expense:
        1. Annual Alberta School Boards’ Association (ASBA) Convention.
        2. Annual ASBA Spring Workshop.
        3. ASBA Zone 6 meetings and workshops.
      2. The Board Chair (or when unable, the Vice-Chair) shall make an effort to attend all special meetings specifically called for Board Chairs in the province.
      3. When opportunities arise to participate in Ministerial round tables, task forces or ASBA committees, trustees are encouraged to participate. Where expenses are not provided by the host, a trustee may receive approval from the Board to participate at Board expense.
      4. The Board by resolution shall establish a professional development fund for each individual trustee which shall allow that trustee to attend workshops or seminars that have particular interest to that trustee.
      5. The Board by resolution shall establish a fund to permit each of the major Board committees to send representation to workshops or seminars that may enhance the ability of the committee to carry out its delegated responsibilities.
      6. Under extraordinary circumstances, or in times of special demands, the Board shall have the power to exceed the budgeted amount for any trustee or committee by a majority vote of the Board.
      7. All expenses and per diems shall be paid as per the "schedule of remunerations/ reimbursement" (Appendix).
      8. Where the full Board is not in attendance at a special meeting or workshop, time shall be scheduled for a report to be made at a regular Board meeting.
      9. All plans for attendance at the approved conventions (etc.) shall be made in a regular meeting of the Board.
      10. Requests for task forces and Ministerial committees shall be presented at a regular meeting of the Board at least one (1) month before the appointment is to take place.
      11. The Board Chair shall keep the Board informed of all special meetings that require the Board Chair’s attendance.
      12. Trustees planning to attend any personal professional development activities or committees desiring to send a delegate to an activity shall notify the Board of their intent prior to the activity.
      13. For activities requiring more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) in expenditures, every effort will be made to provide expense money to the trustee before the activity. Per diems are to be claimed at the next regular Board meeting.

    12. Public Expense Disclosure
      The Division believes in being open and accountable to the public in all matters.
      1. Expense reports for trustees will be publicly accessible on a quarterly  basis as follows:
        1. September – November
        2. December – February
        3. March-May
        4. June – August

          Within thirty (30) days after the end of the quarter for which a report must be disclosed.

      2. Information that would normally be withheld under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), such as personal information, must be redacted from the supporting documentation and will not be publicly disclosed.
      3. Expense reports must, at a minimum, include the following information:
        1. Name of the individual;
        2. Position of the individual;
        3. Reporting period;
        4. Total amount of each individual’s expenses for the reporting period;
      4. The expensed items will categorized in the following categories:
        1. Travel/Hotel/Meals;
        2. Phone;
        3. Other.
      5. Expenses must be attributable, meaning that expenses incurred by one individual on behalf of another must be attributable for disclosure purposes to the individual for whom those expenses are incurred.

    13. Trustee Recognition
      1. Trustees who resign, retire, or who are not re-elected are eligible to be honoured following a general election.
      2. Trustees shall be invited to attend a Board function to be recognized for their service.
      3. A gift, unique to the Division, shall be presented to the trustee at that time.

    14. Trustee Conflict of Interest
      1. The trustee is directly responsible to the electorate of the Division and to the Board.
      2. Upon election to office and annually thereafter, the trustee must complete a disclosure of personal interest statement and accept a position of public trust. The trustee is expected to act in a manner which will enhance the trust accorded the trustee, and through the trustee, the trust accorded to the Board.
      3. The Board is of the firm conviction that its ability to discharge its obligations is dependent upon the trust and confidence of the electorate in its Board and in its trustee members. Therefore, the Board believes in the requirement to declare conflict of interest.
        1. The trustee is expected to be conversant with the relevant sections of the Education Act.
        2. The trustee is responsible for declaring him/herself to be in possible conflict of interest.
          1. The trustee shall make such declaration in open meeting prior to Board or committee discussion of the subject matter which may place the trustee in conflict of interest.
          2. Following the declaration of conflict of interest by a trustee, all debate and action shall cease until the trustee has left the room
          3. It shall be the responsibility of the trustee in conflict to absent him/herself from the meeting in accordance with the requirements of the Education Act and ensure that his/her declaration and absence is properly recorded within the minutes.
          4. The recording secretary will record in the minutes:
            1. The trustee’s declaration;
            2. The trustee’s abstention from the debate and the vote; and
            3. That the trustee left the room in which the meeting was held.
          5. Following the completion of the debate and subsequent vote, the trustee shall be advised that he/she may return to the meeting.

    15. Board Self-Evaluation
      1. The annual Board self-evaluation process will complement the Superintendent evaluation process as outlined in Policy 12 Appendix – Superintendent Evaluation Process, Criteria and Timelines.
      2. The purpose of the Board self-evaluation is to answer the following questions:
        1. How well have we fulfilled each of our defined roles in relation to our mission, goals and objectives as a Board this past year?
        2. How do we perceive our interpersonal working relationships?
        3. How well do we receive input and how well do we communicate?
        4. How well have we adhered to our annual work plan?
        5. How would we rate our Board-Superintendent relations?
        6. How well have we adhered to our governance policies?
        7. What have we accomplished this past year? How do we know?
      3. The principles upon which the Board self-evaluation is based are as follows:
        1. A learning organization or a professional learning community is focused on the improvement of practice.
        2. A predetermined process for evaluation strengthens the governance functions and builds credibility for the Board.
        3. An evidence-based approach provides objectivity.



Board Policy 7 Appendix: Schedule of Remuneration/Reimbursement

Legal Reference:

Sections 53, 54, 54, 73, 75, 76, 85, 86, 87, 112, 137 Education Act
Local Authorities Elections Act
Income Tax Act (Canada)
Board Procedures Regulation
Petitions and Public Notices Regulation


Adopted: November 15, 1994

Revised: November 2, 1998; August 21, 2018; May 30, 2019; December 4, 2019; Februrary, 2023; 

Reviewed: February 2023; January 2025

Last Updated: January 20, 2025