Our Logo
The Westwind School Division logo is the most visible representation of our division - and of our brand. Our logo serves as a reminder of what Westwind represents and values we share as a community.
The focal point of the Westwind logo is Chief Mountain standing stalwart, looking over and protecting the foothills that Westwind is nestled into. Since 1998 Chief Mountain has been a visual representation of Westwind School Division in different forms and continues to be the focal part of our logo today.
Chief Mountain is a geographical landmark that transcends boundaries and unites communities. “Old Chief,” as it’s called, stands ahead of other mountains and represents guidance, shelter and a landmark for those that are lost or travelling. Chief represents the uniting of communities - a portion of it lies within the boundaries of the Blood Indian Reserve No. 148, a portion within Glacier National Park and we here in Southern Alberta also claim it as one of our landmarks. In First Nations culture, Chief Mountain is a sacred representation of power, ritual and ceremony and is a place of vision quests and knowledge. The details of light and colour of the mountains in our logo represent sunrise and the dawn of a new day. The blue of the mountains represents trust and mimics the way the mountains look against the sky.
The waves along the bottom of the Westwind logo represent the foothills and prairies, where our communities and families are rooted. Education of our children begins with nurture and hope and is celebrated in their growth to full maturity, just as seeds grow into the golden grain at harvest. The waves also represent the wind that is so prevalent in Southern Alberta, reminding us of the need for flexibility, movement and adaptability. The teal green is a nod to previous Westwind logos and displays a sense of familiarity and a tie to the past. The colour green represents vitality and growth.

Brand Style Guide
Contact Us
Communication Department
455 Main Street, Cardston AB