Board Policies & Administrative Procedures

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Administrative Procedure 206: HUMAN SEXUALITY


The Division will provide the Human Sexuality curriculum as mandated through the grades 4 through 6 Health Program, the grades 7 through 9 Health and Personal Life Skills Program and Senior High School Life Management (CALM 20 Course).


  1. Principals shall give parents the opportunity to exercise the decision to “opt-out” a student from curricular content that is sexual in nature, such as Human Sexuality.
    1. Each year before the Human Sexuality unit is taught in a school, the Principal will notify parents via an opt-out form, and on the school website; principals may also provide notification via the school newsletter outlining:
      1. The content of the Human Sexuality unit for each applicable grade.
      2. The date that each topic will be discussed.
      3. The teacher(s) who will instruct the unit.
    2. This "opt-out" does not, and cannot, apply to discussions that incidentally arise as a part of daily classroom interaction.
  2. Parent(s) may opt-out by:
    1. Exempting their student(s) from any part of the unit.
    2. Exempting their student(s) from all of the unit by notifying the Principal at least two (2) school days before the instruction is scheduled.

  3. Alternate learning experiences shall be provided for those students not taking Theme V.


Section 1, 2, 16, 19, 52, 53, 58.1, 196, 197 222 Education Act
Alberta Bill of Rights
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Act, 1982
Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Amendment Act
Guide to Education: ECS to Grade 12


Approved: September 12, 1996

Amended: February 7, 2012; August 21, 2018; May 2022